What Our Weddings Say about Marriage

October 31, 2017

The following blog is written by Dr. Branson Parlor. Branson is an ordained elder in the Reformed Church of America and a professor of Theological Studies at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids, MI.

When you think of the word “wedding” or “marriage,” what do you think of?

Words are tricky. They can mean a variety of things to a variety of people. That variety explains why my kids find Amelia Bedelia hilarious. Maybe you’ve read these stories to your kids or remember reading them as a kid as well. The main storyline usually revolves around Amelia misunderstanding and misapplying a common phrase or idiom. For example, when instructed to “dust the furniture,” she throws dust all over the furniture, an action that does make you stop and think: why do we say “dust,” and not “undust” the furniture? The real point of Amelia Bedelia, though, is that what we do shapes what words mean, and vice versa.

So, for Christians, what does “marriage” mean? In the broader cultural debates about marriage, it’s rare to have someone step back and ask: just what is marriage? What is marriage for?

Read more at: https://www.centerforfaith.com/blog/what-our-weddings-say-about-marriage


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