Why We Aren’t the Church Any More
http://empireremixed.com/2013/10/17/why-we-arent-the-church-any-more/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+empireremixed+%28Empire+Remixed%29 17 10 2013 by Andrew Stephens-Rennie Making its rounds this week is Steve McSwain’s HuffPo article “ Why Nobody Wants to Go To Church Anymore .” I get it. I do. But then again, I don’t. It seems as though so many of the most-talked about end-of-the-world and end-of-the-church articles being passed around these days come from the United States (love y’all). And while that isn’t a problem per se (they have a right to lament the transition, nay, death, of the church), it leaves me feeling a little exasperated. It leaves me exasperated that we’re still talking about those things in Canada, because the death is already with us. And while some areas of our Bible Belt remain in denial, the majority of us cannot deny this any longer. Those of us in Quebec or British Columbia have no excuse. Death is