Theological Journal - April 13: Easter

Theological Journal – April 13

Moltmann Monday – Easter

“Believing in the resurrection does not just mean assenting to a dogma and noting a historical fact. It means participating in this creative act of God’s … Resurrection is not a consoling opium, soothing us with the promise of a better world in the hereafter. It is the energy for a rebirth of this life. The hope doesn’t point to another world. It is focused on the redemption of this one.”
Jürgen Moltmann, Jesus Christ for Today's World (Kindle loc.83

Jesus’ resurrection is a reality as or more relevant to the here and now than the then and there! That’s what Moltmann claims here. Contra Karl Marx, Christianity, based on the assurance of a hope for life with God after death in the then and there, is for Moltmann, based on that same resurrection, an energetic “steroid” for life with Jesus before death in the here and now. He is about a “Christianity Today,” not a “Christianity Tomorrow”! As Moltmann says, “The hope doesn’t point to another world. It is focused on the redemption of this one.”
The “life of the age to come” (what John calls “eternal life”) is the present reality for the church from which it lives as well as the fullness we wait for it the future. A rediscovery of this great truth in our experience as the church is much needed in today’s world.


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