57. Mark 14:43-51: Betrayal
group of armed men arrive to take Jesus in tow. They are likely authorized by
the Sanhedrin to arrest and detain the awaiting trial before it (Boring,
Mark: 10935-10937). Jesus
protests that he is no brigand requiring armed capture. The betrayer, Judas,
appears and scene to do the foul deed. A bystander wields his sword in Jesus’
defense and cuts of the ear of the chief priest’s slave. And all Jesus’ friends
desert him.
one. A mysterious young man wearing a linen cloth remains present. “They,”
presumably the crowd arresting Jesus, grab to him to detain him as well as one
of Jesus’ cohorts. But who is he? Mark himself? So many have guessed. Opinions
run the gamut. N. T. Wright takes this a symbol of the final and total disgrace
of the deserting disciples.
we have the young man who, like Joseph in Genesis 39.12, escapes by leaving
his garment behind. It’s often been suggested that this was Mark himself (the
other gospels don’t mention the incident); though it’s impossible to prove it, it is a quite reasonable guess.
Whether or not that is so, the imagery is striking, going back as far as
Genesis 3. Like Adam and Eve, the disciples are metaphorically, and
in this case literally, hiding their naked shame in the garden. Their
disgrace is complete” (Wright,
Mark, 247).
Gundry, on the other hand, sees it a positive pointer
is this young man?
What’s his name? Why is he wearing only a linen cloth? How come
he’s following with Jesus when the disciples have fled? Why do the crowd seize
him prior to his slipping out of the linen cloth? Mark leaves all these questions
unanswered; so the young man’s significance lies elsewhere. The crowd’s seizing
the young man parallels their having seized Jesus (14:46). The young man’s
wearing a linen cloth anticipates the linen cloth in which Jesus will be buried
(15:46, where “the linen cloth” recalls the mention here of “a linen cloth”).
The young man’s leaving behind the linen cloth anticipates Jesus’ resurrection,
portrayed as a leaving behind of his linen burial cloth. And Mark will call the
angel who in Jesus’ empty tomb announces Jesus’ resurrection—Mark will call
that angel “a young man” (16:5–7) to recollectively associate the present young
man with Jesus’ resurrection” (Robert
H. Gundry, Mark, 242).
I’m inclined to combine
these interpretations myself. The young man’s flight seems to point to the
disgrace of the disciples’ desertion. Yet the presence of a “young man” at
Jesus’ tomb and Jesus’ shedding the “linen cloths” of his death clothes seem to
be connected as well. Might it be a symbol of the disciples’ acceptance in
spite of their sin and failure? That would be a powerful sign and in line with
Mark’s oblique style.
At any rate, the crisis for
Jesus and for humanity draws nigh and breaks this night over Jesus’ head.
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