49. Mark 12:1-12: Parable of the Tenants
This parable Jesus tells against the
religious leaders who have just questioned his authority (11:27ff.) and will immediately
after this try to delegitimize him and his movement again (12:13-18). When they
realize this they want to arrest him. Only the goodwill of the people toward
him keeps him free (v.12).
Jesus sets this up in the form of a well-known
parable about Israel. In Isa.5:1-7 we read about God’s planting Israel as a vineyard.
God did everything that could be done in preparing and provisioning the vineyard
for the successful production of grapes. However, the vines only yielded wild
grapes, good for nothing. God decided to judge it for this failure, their
failure to produce the justice God expected and prepared them for.
The prophets have been sent and re-sent
and rejected again and again with increasing ferocity by the leaders. Finally,
one final prophet comes, this one, however, is more than a prophet. He is the
owner’s “beloved son,” the heir apparent. Surely the tenants will not mistreat
That “beloved son” now stands before
those greedy and rebellious tenants. A violent takeover of Israel is underway
and it has Jesus in its cross-hairs. If they carry it out to the end and do
away with the son, what will the owner do?
Well, judgment, of course. “He will
come and destroy the tenants and give the vineyard to others” (v.9). But what
will that judgment look like? In Jesus’ perspective this judgment is surely the
coming desolation at the hands of the Romans in 70 a.d. The Jews as a people will
be “destroyed” and God’s mission in the world will be given to the Abrahamic
people Jesus has gathered and trained during his ministry. As the scripture
itself promised;
‘The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
11 this was the Lord’s doing,
and it is amazing in our eyes’?” (Psa.118:22)
has become the cornerstone;
11 this was the Lord’s doing,
and it is amazing in our eyes’?” (Psa.118:22)
This scripture is essentially Jesus’
answer to the question of authority posed in the previous story: whence your
authority? It comes from the role he plays in the working out of God’s great
purpose. It also lays the foundation for his response to the tax question. A
great division is coming for Israel, a division parsed as Caesar or God. It
presses on them now, now that Jesus is here in Jerusalem.
As Sherlock Holmes might say, “Come,
Watson, the games afoot!”
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