If You Think . . . (3)
Only Came to Earth Because We Sinned
Did Jesus’ Come to Earth?
If you
think Jesus only came to earth because we humans sinned and had to be rescued,
you’ve got a surprise coming. That’s only a partial truth, and worse, when we
make it the whole truth it ends up distorting the whole picture.
How’s that, you ask? Here’s a question
for you: if Jesus came only because we sinned and needed to be rescued, doesn’t
that make sin necessary? If God’s coming among us as one of us, the great
miracle and mystery of the Incarnation, is only to rescue us from sin, then we
had to sin for him to come, right? Otherwise, on this reckoning, Jesus would
not have come, God would not be one of us, we would not truly know God, and all
else the comes from the Incarnation that we find in scripture. I hope that
strikes all of you as wrongheaded as it does me!
So it boils down to what we see as God’s
endgame, his eternal purpose (Ephesians 3:11). If Jesus’ coming to rescue us
from sin is not the divine endgame, what is? And how does that relate to his
death for the forgiveness of our sin?
Once free of the idea that God created
us to sin so that he could send his Son to die for us and save us from our sins
and for eternal life in heaven with him forever (the latter of which we
critiqued in our last post), we can read the creation stories with fresh eyes
where it becomes clear that God wants to share his life with humanity on the
earth he created for this purpose. That’s the endgame.
what’s more, God always intended to send Jesus to become one of us. God always
intended to become human so he could share the closest, most intimate, relationship
he could have with us. And that’s why Jesus became incarnate. Irenaeus, the
great 2nd century theologian, makes the case for this view plain:
is the reason why the Word of God was made flesh, and the Son of God became Son
of Man: so that we might enter into communion with the Word of God, and by
receiving adoption might become Sons of God. Indeed we should not be able to
share in immortality without a close union with the Immortal. How could we have
united ourselves with immortality if immortality had not become what we are, in
such a way that we should be absorbed by it, and thus we should be adopted as
Sons of God?” (Against Heresies,
Kruger adds:
“First, the goal of the
incarnation is not to appease an angry god, but to reach us with the very life
that the Father’s Son experiences with his Father and the Holy Spirit.
Adoption—being included, fellowship, the sharing of life, union, not legalities
and accounting—is the point. Second, in the incarnation there is a two-way
movement of ‘accustoming.’ In Jesus, due to his unbroken relationship with his
Father and the Holy Spirit, the Father and the Holy Spirit are accustoming
themselves to dwell with and in us, and in his life and death, Jesus is
accustoming human nature to receive and share in nothing less than the life of
the blessed Trinity. There is in Jesus a stunning stooping on the part of the
Triune God, and an equally stunning transformation or conversion of our
humanity to bear the life and glory of the Trinity. Jesus is and will forever
be the mediator, the One in whom the life of the Trinity and the life of
humanity are together in real fellowship and union. At the heart of the
incarnate life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus lies this two-way
movement of togetherness, which forever calls us to give ourselves to
participate in Jesus.”
glance at the last vision of the book of Revelation confirms this. There we
find a new creation. The heaven and earth renewed and restored as God always
intended. The New Jerusalem, God’s people, descend from heaven to this new
earth to live there with God forever (Revelation 21:3). The creation stories
(Genesis 1-2) and this last vision of Revelation (chs.21-22) are the only four
chapters of the Bible free of the brokenness of sin. In them we get the
clearest picture of what God started and what God achieved, the inauguration
and consummation of his fondest dreams.
you think Jesus came only to die for the forgiveness of our sins, think again.
Read the Word again and be captured by God’s BHAH (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of becoming one of us to share together with us forever on
this good earth!
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