The Main Reason Things Happen as They Do in Our Country
Brian Ross, FB 5.26.16
As a society, we often create our own problems, and then we
fumble creating solutions. Why? Because of our faulty "faith"
Many progressives assume that historical ethics and
spiritual narratives are a danger to society. Human beings should be free to be
anyone they want.
Then, when evil happens, the answer becomes: legislate,
legislate, legislate. Not realizing that their own narratives helped to grease
the wheels towards evil. They have dismantled thick narratives of transcendence
that serve as a check on human actions and motives.
Similarly, many conservatives (who pay lip service to
historical ethics and spiritual narratives) assume that any check on unfettered
markets is quite ridiculous. Human beings, economically, should be free to do whatever
they want. And to entice anyone they want to- with the widgets they have for
Then, when evil happens, the answer becomes to preach more
and more about historical ethics and spiritual narratives. Not realizing, that
the structures of autonomous markets that they have created- form self-absorbed
individuals who are more inclined towards evil. You can't market to people all
day along about "what they, as an individual, deserve" in regards to
new shiny products and assume this won't impact their self-identities.
We create our world, become shocked at what it becomes, and
then we sadly double-down on poor solutions.
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