Power, Privilege, Heresy, and Playing Poker: Some Thoughts Post #UMCGC
We United
Methodists of late don't appear to be united on many things, but for the most
part we are opposed to gambling. Our Social Principles state,
Gambling is a menace to society,
deadly to the best interests of moral, social, economic, and spiritual life,
and destructive of good government. As an act of faith and concern, Christians
should abstain from gambling and should strive to minister to those victimized
by the practice. Where gambling has become addictive, the church will encourage
such individuals to receive therapeutic assistance so that the individual's
energies may be redirected into positive and constructive ends. The church
should promote standards and personal lifestyles that would make unnecessary
and undesirable the resort to commercial gambling-including public lotteries-as
a recreation, as an escape, or as a means of producing public revenue or funds
for support of charities or government (¶ 163G).
I'm very
much in agreement with our position on gambling, but I must confess when it
comes to the discussions we UMs often have on issues that deeply divide us, all
too often I am reminded of the chorus from Kenny Roger's song, "The
got to know when to hold 'em
Know when
to fold 'em
Know when
to walk away
And know
when to run
You never
count your money
you're sittin' at the table
be time enough for countin'
When the
dealin's done
conversation on the issues that deeply divide us all too often resort to the
continual holding and playing of two cards from the progressives-- the cards of
power and privilege-- and one card from the traditionalists-- the heresy card.
The continual and haphazard use of these three cards either stifles fruitful
discussion or it leads us to talking past each other.
Read more at http://www.allanbevere.com/2016/05/power-privilege-heresy-and-playing.html
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