The Gospel Story: It May Not Be What You Think It Is
There’s a
great war going on. Jesus has won the decisive and climactic battle at the
cross and resurrection. The outcome is no longer in doubt. Jesus is victor and
Ruler of the world.
That’s the
gospel, Jesus’ gospel.
But there are still lesser
battles and skirmishes to be fought and won, pockets of continuing resistance
to Jesus to be rooted out. The fruit of his victory needs to be implemented and
extended throughout the world till he returns.
And that’s what he calls to
us today, to join him in the “mop up” campaigns just mentioned.
But there’s even more to it
than that. God intended humanity to be his royal priests in the temple he
intended creation to be. He made us
-royal (as his children)
representatives to represent and reflect his character and will throughout the
world, thus extending the boundaries of God’s creation temple from its
beginning in the Garden of Eden to coextensive with the whole of creation.
Earth is to be his habitation with his people forever.
-priests who are charged
with protecting and nurturing the creation and it people to their full
We, of course, chose to be
our own little gods and revolted against him and his will and way for us. The
great irony is that this assertion of what we believed our own proper liberty
only made us vulnerable to serving other powers (sin, death, (d)evil,
principalities) who had neither our good nor the creation’s well-being at
God’s dream was shattered.
God never accepted this
state of affairs though. He launched a subversive counter-revolution to
undermine and undo what our sin and the powers who took advantage of our
vulnerability to them had wrought. Beginning with Abraham and Sarah God sought
to shape a people as a living demonstration, a prototype, of what he intended
for everyone. Other peoples would be attracted to this way of life and come to
Israel’s God to join in.
Israel was no better than
Adam and Eve however. It defaulted on its mandate and mission to be the agent
of God’s blessing everyone else. But God had a solution ready. He prophesied through
Jeremiah that a new covenant was coming. One which would succeed where the
covenants with Abraham, Moses, and David has so far failed.
This time God did not send
or work through another. He came himself in, with, through, and as Jesus of
Nazareth. This had always been God’s intention for his heart’s desire was
always to be in as close a fellowship with his human creatures as possible. And
what’s closer than becoming one of them? But now his coming in human flesh also
had to resolve the sin problem generated by Adam and Eve and exacerbated by
Abraham and Sarah’s people. He had to both reclaim humanity and creation from
sin and futility and restore both to their place in God’s creational design. At
the cross he took care of sin and in his resurrection God brought forth new
being and new creation into the midst of this old world that is decaying and
passing away.
The good news today is that
Jesus has won the victory over sin, death, and (d)evil. He wants you and me to
join him in his victory march throughout the world, implementing his victory
through the “violence of love” (Oscar Romero) and suffering servanthood (Isaiah
53). We experience new life (the forgiveness of sins) and a new vocation, which
is but our primal vocation as royal priests in God’s new creation
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