The Book of the Twelve for Lent 2016 - Amos (6)
The Book of the Twelve for Lent 2016 A God Whose Bark is Worse than His Bite – Amos (6) Lent 18 The last phrase of Amos’ prophesying says all that really needs to be said. He has thundered and blustered on God’s behalf against the egregious faithlessness of his people Israel. He has sliced and diced them in every was imaginable. And all with perfect right. Every indictment he pressed against them was true. If this were merely a political arrangement, surely the Lord would have washed his hands of these ingrates. If it were merely a contractural agreement, God would have taken them to court to sue them for breach of contract. If it were an economic relationship, God would have run them out of business and closed down their shop. ...