Who Was Moses’ Successor?
Sep 8, 2013 @ 13:35 By Leave a Comment
You can read up about Moses for this in Exodus 14-15and about Deborah in Judges 4-5. Here is a sampling of his article and the major lines of similarities (and Herzberg marches out all the evidence in readable fashion):
1. Both defeat better-armed forces that are equipped with chariots.
2. Both victories are followed by a song, and the two songs are seen by many to be the earliest strata of the Old Testament.
3. These are the only pairings of a narrative poem with a prose narrative of the same event.
4. Both are connected to the Kenites, descendants of Moses’ father-in-law.
5. Deborah, like Moses, is described in the Bible in the act of judging.
6. Deborah, like Moses, is a prophet who speaks the Word of God to the people.
7. Moses judged in a tent, Deborah under a tree (location specified).
8. Deborah, like Moses, orders a military leader into action, presenting herself as the voice of God, but stays behind the troops at the top of a hill to inspire rather than fight.
9. In the battles of both chariots are disabled by a sudden rush of water.
10. Both Moses and Deborah sing victory songs.
The Medieval rabbis read Exodus 14-15with Judges 4-5in their lectionaries.
I find this information fascinating and clearly indicative of some parallels between Moses and Deborah, a (but not the only) successor to Moses.
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