Timing, BLM, and the Death Penalty

The U.S. Justice Department announced [last] Monday that it will resume federal executions after a hiatus of nearly two decades. The timing of this announcement in the middle of a nation-wide cry for police reform raises questions about the motives for resuming this practice.

But for many Christians, the death penalty is a biblical mandate. Many Evangelicals appeal to the Bible’s supposedly clear teaching on the death penalty to defend its ongoing place in the American justice system. Genesis 9 is key here, since it seems to teach that God “requires” humans to take the life of a murderer in exchange for their deed (9:5-6).[2]

Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, the nation’s largest Christian prison-focused non-profit, declared that he now backs the death penalty on biblical grounds. Colson writes,
The Noahic covenant (Gen 9) antedates Israel and the Mosaic code; it transcends Old Testament law per se and mirrors ethical legislation binding for all cultures and eras. The sanctity of human life is rooted in the universal creation ethic and thus retains its force in society.[3]

For Colson, Genesis 9 mandates the practice of capital punishment. It is a “non-negotiable standard” of biblical justice, and a moral society depends on it.

But Christians have good reason to leave Colson in the cold on this one. The case rests on shaky biblical foundations . . .


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