Walker Percy writes a memorable scene in his novel The Thanatos Syndrome with this truth at its heart. It is a conversation between Dr. Tom More and a presumably mad priest, Father Smith. The old priest is now a fire-spotter for the park service and the conversation takes place in the tower he lives in. We pick up the conversation with Father Smith speaking: “Words are signs, aren’t they?” “You could say so.” “But unlike the signs out there (the trees on fire), words have been evacuated, haven’t they.?” “Evacuated?” “They don’t signify anymore.” “How do you mean?” . . . The two proceed to spar verbally until Father Smith proposes a word association exercise. “Let me turn the tables on you and give you a couple of word signs and you give me your free associations.” “Fine.” “Clouds.” “Sky, fleecy, puffy, floating, white –“ “Okay. Irish.” “Bogs, Notre Dame, Pat O’Brien, begorra –“ “Okay. Blacks.” “Blacks.” “Negroes.” “Blacks, Africa, niggers, minorit...