45.Mark 8:26-10:52 DIagram

The “Way” to Galilee (8:22-10:52): Spiritual Sight

8:22-26         Healing Blind Man at Bethsaida (Two Touches)
8:27-30        Peter’s Confession (Insight/Misunderstanding)
8:31-33          First Passion Prediction          
8:34- 9:1      Call to Cross-bearing
9:2-8            Transfiguration
9:9-13          Coming of Elijah
9:14-29         Exorcism of a Boy with Unclean Spirit (Openness of the Kingdom)
9:30-32          Second Passion Prediction
9:33-37         Who is Greatest?                                          
9:38-41         Another Exorcist                                            
9:42-50         Stumbling Blocks               (Discipleship)
10:1-12         Controversy over Divorce            
10:13-16       Blessing of Little Children             
10:17-31       Rich Man and Wealth                   
10:32-34        Third Passion Prediction
10:35-45       Power and Position in the Kingdom “
10:46-52       Healing Blind Bartimaeus (Spiritual Sight Achieved)


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