Oct 10, 2016 | BlogMissionalSpirituality | 0 comments
Graham Hill
I love reading. And being a parent of three daughters has further convinced me of the value of reading. When my girls were little, my favorite time of the day was reading time with them, just before they went to bed.

In the mid 1990s I discovered the art of “spiritual reading” through the writing of Eugene Peterson.

Spiritual reading is sometimes called lectio divina. It is an ancient practice of reading and prayer. We can trace its roots back to Origen in the 3rd century. Spiritual reading is about reading Scripture, devotional works, and other spiritually edifying books, prayerfully. It’s reading slowly and with attention to the Spirit and voice of Jesus Christ. It’s not about gaining knowledge. It’s about reading for spiritual formation. It’s about listening reverently and lovingly and prayerfully and silently to Jesus’ voice. He is speaking to us through our reading. It’s about savoring Scripture and devotional reading. And it’s doing this for the sake of prayer, intimacy with God, and spiritual formation.
Spiritual reading has four movements or stages.

These four movements are:

1.    Reading the Bible passage slowly and prayerfully.

2.    Reflecting on the reading.

3.    Praying about the biblical passage you’re reading.

4.    Contemplating the meaning of the Bible reading for your life, and taking action.
I have enjoyed practicing this kind of spiritual reading for twenty years. But, I find it needs modification to stoke my passion for mission.

Lately, I’ve moved from spiritual reading (lectio divina) to a form of prayerful missional reading (lectio missio). . .



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