Resisting Trump with Revelation (11)
Five Hymns (1)
Gathering portion of our Resistical Worship service comes to a close with some
hymns – five of them in fact. We’ve looked at the Call to Worship and John’s
introduction of himself as Jesus’ interpreter and Jesus as the guest preacher
for the morning. Jesus then offered his own messages to each of the seven
churches in his congregation. Now it’s time to sing!
these hymns John (and we with him) find ourselves caught up into the very
throne room of God to join in the celestial worship going on there. So far we
have learned that John’s vision (revelation) unveils the truth of the Sovereign
lordship of God and of Jesus Christ his Son over all earthly authorities and
powers no matter their pretentions.
sing in worship today, though many us not very enthusiastically. I recently
heard congregational singing described like this. Mennonites and Baptists, the
speaker explained had good congregational singing. Methodists and Presbyterians
mumbled their songs so low you couldn’t understand them. And Episcopalians paid
people to sing their hymns! I think it was St. Augustine who claimed that to
sing was to pray twice. Singing, despite its present low estate in many
churches, is crucial to our experience and expression of our faith and our
resistance to Trump. Our hypothetical worship service is well served here by
four hymns in the place in worship we usually sing.
reminds us again that he is “in the Spirit” (v.2; see 1:9). Even if he is
referring to a special visionary experience it remains the case that it is the
Spirit in and through whom we worship.
striking scene John sees would daunt the greatest of special effects producers
to effect. Some elements reflect Israel’s temple (“seven flaming torches [the
Menorah]; “a sea glass, like crystal”; vv.5-6). Another takes us back to the
flood story with the “rainbow” around the throne (v.3) suggesting the
disposition of God is redemptive and healing, not angry and punitive.
thrones on which sit the twenty-four elders surround the throne (probably
suggesting the totality of God’s people, the twelve tribes of Israel and the
twelve apostles. On each side of the
throne are four living creatures – one lion-like, one ox-like, one human-like,
and one eagle-like. With eyes all over they ceaselessly sing God’s praise
(vv.7-8). “It is likely,” Paul Spilsbury writes, “the four living creatures . .
. represent the whole created cosmos of heaven and earth. Their role is to
spend their whole lives worshiping God.”[1]
of creation, all of God’s people, doing what they are created to do – praise
God. What is to be done on earth is already being done in heaven (Matthew
6:10). And we get to participate in that worship “in the Spirit”!
The First Hymn (4:8): God’s Holiness
four living creatures, all of creation, testifies to God’s holiness. Holiness
if primarily about godness, the unique, and uniquely sovereign God. Not the
Emperor. Not some King or Queen. No cosmic power or force. None of them have
godness, or holiness. None of them have supreme authority. None of them deserve
our unconditional or absolute obedience.
None of them are holy.
the Bible’s God is – thrice holy! That’s the message of this first hymn. You
might look at or listen to the great hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty”
to get a feel for the hymn’s claim here.
The Second Hymn (4:11): God’s Worthiness
twenty-four elders join the living creatures in extolling God’s worthiness.
God, the eternal one (“who lives forever and ever,” 4:10) is the Creator. As
the source and goal of all things he has made, God is unique and in that
uniqueness is intrinsically worthy of all praise and honor. The Creator of all
is worthy of all praise!
The Third Hymn (5:9): The Worthiness of the
ch.5 we enter what many consider the most important chapter in Revelation and,
indeed, in the whole New Testament. The praise of the hymns here is elicited by
the drama depicted. They witness to the central reality of the biblical story.
The drama begins with God on his throne, a scroll resting in right hand (symbol
of power in the Bible), sealed with “seven[2]
seals” (v.1). A most desirable item to take a gander at.
no one anywhere in creation is found worthy to open the scroll (v.4)! Only
someone worthy as God is worthy can do it. But where is such a one? “Then one of the elders said to me, ‘Do
not weep. See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has
conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals’” (v.5).
John turns eager to glimpse these regal
being who is so worthy. But what he sees does not seem to match the description
he hears. “Then I saw between the throne and the four living creatures and
among the elders a Lamb standing as if it had been slaughtered, having seven
horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the
earth” (v.6). In this one verse, as Grimsrud puts it, John “creates a theological
revolution that leads to a transformation in how theo-politics is to be
understood – and actually reorients the way we understand the vision of the one
on the throne in chapter four.”[3]
In other words, this is “the” game-changer in the New Testament!
The Lion of Judah as a slaughtered
Lamb. The One seated on the throne (ch.4) as a slaughtered Lamb. Yes, that’s
what John sees and what his vision means. This changes everything! No longer do
we seek to discover how godlike Jesus is. Rather, astonishingly, we are
confronted with the reality of how Jesus-like God is. The New Testament, and
John here in Revelation, tells us that we do not know who or what God is until
we have looked in the face of Jesus Messiah and his work on our behalf. His
life led to his death. The unthinkable – God in and as this man Jesus died
(gasp!) for us (gasp again!). A
Declaration of Faith captures something of the scandalous wonder
and mystery at work here[4]:

One, this slaughtered yet living Lamb takes the scroll and opens it up. He is
worthy, because of his life of self-giving, sacrificial love to unfold the
consummation of God’s plan for creation. He is worthy because, as God in
action, he has demonstrated this love as the power that makes the world go
around. The power that envisioned, created, sustains, and will bring to final
fruition everything God wants.
the living creatures and the twenty-four elders, all creation, acclaim the
worthiness of the Lamb.
“You are worthy to
take the scroll
and to open its seals,
for you were slaughtered and by your blood you ransomed for God
saints from every tribe and language and people and nation; You made them to be a kingdom and priests serving our God,
and they will reign on earth.”
and to open its seals,
for you were slaughtered and by your blood you ransomed for God
saints from every tribe and language and people and nation; You made them to be a kingdom and priests serving our God,
and they will reign on earth.”
is worthy precisely because of his redeeming death which reclaimed and restored
God’s creation dream!
angels” add their voices in acclamation of the worthiness of the Lamb in the
fourth hymn (v.12).
finally, “every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the
sea” bring us full circle in acclaiming both the One on the throne and
the Lamb (v.13):
“To the one seated on
the throne and to the Lamb
be blessing and honor and glory and might
forever and ever!”
be blessing and honor and glory and might
forever and ever!”
the notions of power and sacrifice (throne and Lamb) are brought together in a
full, final, and eternal way. The living creatures add an “Amen” and the
twenty-four elders bow down in worship. As do we.
These hymns add to and deepen our worship and
acclamation of the world’s true and rightful Emperor. All the tokens of Rome’s
imperial pretentions that saturate the world these churches live and work in
are cut down to size here. The church is in the most desperate need of this
kind of ballast to its theological convictions. Rome/empire constructs what is
called a “plausibility structure” to catechize and reinforce its way of seeing
the world. John’s vision in Revelation debunks this imperial worldview by
borrowing many of its symbols and ideas and reworking them around what the God
made known in Jesus Christ has revealed and done to make known and incarnate
God’s true designs for human life and creation’s flourishing.
is one of the best ways to construct a new plausibility structure calibrated to
God’s gospel rather than Rome’s or Trump’s. Remember, if you are old enough,
how vital the songs and music of Dylan, Seeger, Joni Mitchell, Negro
spirituals, and the like were to the 60’s upheavals. Or how, more recently, how
Pussy Riot galvanized and focused dissent in Russia. Revelation’s hymns
function the same way, those in chs. 4 and 5 and those elsewhere in the vision,
to consolidate and extend our resistance to the empire-building of Donald
[1] Spilsbury, The Throne, 58.
[2] Here’s that number “seven” again, completeness. The scroll contains the
fulfilment of God’s plans and purposes. That it is written down and sealed
suggests its certainty and finality.
[4] A Declaration of Faith (PCUSA), ch.4, par.4 at
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