Has the Bonhoeffer Moment Finally Arrived?
11/28/2016 01:19 pm ET
Stephen R. Haynes Professor, Rhodes College
Not too
long ago, political events in our country led a sector of the American
population to conclude that a cultural apocalypse was looming. The nation these
men and women knew and loved was endangered by cultural shifts they neither
approved of nor understood. As faithful Christians, they scrambled to discern
the times. Naturally they summoned to memory Christian heroes who had
courageously kept the faith when facing similar crises. I’m referring, of
course, to the summer of 2015.
As it
became likely that the U. S. Supreme Court would overturn legal barriers to
same-sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges, these Christians were
convinced the time had come for bold resistance. If the apocalyptic character
of this historical moment tended not to register with moderates and liberals,
it’s because this was not our apocalypse.
I took
note, if only because a handful of Christian leaders, including the president
of the Southern Baptist Convention, rallied their followers to action by
declaring a “Bonhoeffer moment in America” — a reference to Dietrich Bonhoeffer
(1906-1945), the German theologian murdered by the Nazis for his role in the
anti-Hitler resistance. As a Bonhoeffer scholar with an interest in the uses to
which the theologian’s legacy are put, I was fascinated by the phrase
“Bonhoeffer moment” — particularly since it emanated from a segment of American
Christianity not known for its affinities with twentieth-century Continental
forward eighteen months. Many Christians disturbed by Donald Trump’s election
after a campaign steeped in racism, misogyny and xenophobia are searching for
guides to faithful action. As in 2015, those familiar with Bonhoeffer’s life
and legacy are wondering how the German theologian might help us negotiate
these perplexing times. No one is more attentive to this question than
professional Bonhoeffer scholars.
At a
meeting of the International Bonhoeffer Society that convened ten days after the
election, many expressed concern mingled with caution. On one hand, those of us
who study Bonhoeffer are acutely aware of how poorly the Christian churches
responded to Hitler in the immediate aftermath of the Nazi revolution, when
effective resistance might have been possible. On the other hand, we are
suspicious of glib comparisons between Nazi Germany and whatever political
uncertainty Americans happen to be facing (including the extension of marriage
rights to same-sex couples), particularly when Bonhoeffer’s name is invoked to
make the parallels appear credible.
caution notwithstanding, I am one Bonhoeffer scholar who thinks the German
theologian has much to say to us . . .
Read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stephen-r-haynes/has-the-bonhoeffer-moment_b_13275278.html
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