Top Ten Reasons Why Theological Debate Doesn't Work #10 - Everyone compares what they actually believe to the "logical implications" of what the other guy believes. This is why you get Calvinists arguing that Arminianism logically implies that we want to take credit for our own salvation, and Arminians arguing that Calvinism logically implies that God is the author of evil. Complementarians think egalitarianism implies erasing of all gender differences and egalitarians think complementarians simply want to keep women down. None of these groups actually believes what the other side says they should, and we all cry foul when someone else does it to us, but we all have the tendency to do a reductio ad absurdum on someone else's argument, no matter how much they protest that that's not what they believe. #9 - We're more interested in winning the debate than in learning from one another's perspectives. There's way too much eg...