Why the Great “Millenial” Debate Misses the Point
We are currently knee-deep in a debate about why “Millennials” are apparently streaming out of our churches. Rachel Held Evans initiated this discussion with her piece on CNN Belief blog. Many have responded pro or con from many different perspectives. Today Diana Butler Bass weighed in on Facebook by claiming that it’s not theology but demographics that accounts for the Millennial exodus: “OK, here's the only thing I'm going to say about the viral millennials piece. Millennials are not ‘leaving’ for theological reasons. It is about exponential demographics. Throughout the last 100 years, there has been a steady increase in the number of people who dis-affiliate in each generations. With each increase, it is like multiplication, not addition. The millennials' parents and grandparents ‘left’ at a rate of about 15%. Those people married other people who also left religion. They had unaffiliated children. Thos...