Theological Journal – February 29 What’s Joy Got To Do With It? (7)
What is J3-Joy? Joy of the J3 variety is a disposition or affection that grounds and sustains us amid difficult times. Affections are “the deep-seated dispositions, the settled and abiding postures of the heart, that qualify or color everything that we know or do” (Kendra G. Holtz and Matthew T. Matthews, Shaping the Christian Life: Worship and Religious Affections [ Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2006], 14). Sam Storms adds “Affections are more than ideas or thoughts or intellectual notions in our heads. They are lively and vigorous passions, for example, of either delight, love, joy, and hope, on the one hand, or displeasure, hatred, grief, or despair, on the other. When we evaluate our response to someone or something in life, we use such terms as sorrow, happiness, revulsion, attraction, bitterness, anger, peace, fear, and delight” ( ). ...