36. Matthew 26
The Setup (26:1-5) The end near now. Very near. His final discoursed finished [1] (v.1), Jesus makes this portentous statement: “You know that after two days the Passover is coming, and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.” His thrice predicted demise is at hand (16:21; 17:22-23; 21:18-19). His active obedience finished, Jesus now is the one acted on, seemingly at the mercy of others (his passive obedience). Three key terms punctuate this saying. -Passover : the great commemoration for the Jews of God’s great act of liberating them from slavery in Egypt. This puts his coming death in proper perspective. It is of that magnitude, or greater (as we have come to expect Jesus to say in this gospel). -Son of Man : Jesus’ favorite self-designation from Dan.7. It is the term he uses to indicate his (and his -people’s) coming rule. -crucified : here’s the twist in the kind of rule Jesus (and his people will exercise). Here Jesus combines Isa.53’s suffering...