24. Matthew 13:54-14:36 – Conflict Rising
Conflict on the Home Front (Mt.13:54-58) The parables of ch.13 make as clear as possible to difference between Jesus’ kingdom movement and its competitors among the Jewish people. And his insistence upon the necessity of choosing and shaping one’s life entirely around his way is unmistakable as well. He comes next to his hometown “and they took offense at him” (v.57). However true it may be on a psychological or sociological level that “familiarity breeds contempt,” Matthew’s concern is theological. As St. John puts it, the Word came to his own but his own did not receive him (Jn.1:11) and Matthew gives narrative color to that maxim. “Where did this kind come up with all this pompous and, well, arrogant or at least presumptuous proclamation?” We know him. His family too. He’s nothing special or not ant better than us, at least. And in those words Matthew voices the deep truth and scandal of the incarnation. A creature just like them (and us): “Jesus was what we are....