When We Sin
The story of God’s confrontation with Adam and Eve after they ate the forbidden fruit is full of insight for us today if we pay attention to the questions by which God elicits the truth from them. The first question God asks Adam is “Where are you?” (Gen.3:9) Adam says “I heard you coming and hid because I was naked.” God’s first question top us when we are struggling with sin is the relationship question. We are out of relationship with God, hiding at the mere hint of his presence. Where are you? – apart from God, out of proximity to him, out of relationship. Hiding is a primal response to shame when we have failed someone. Especially God. Unless we are in active rebellion against God, in which case we’d be hotfooting it in the other direction not simply hiding in the same environs, we try to explain ourselves but often give ourselves away and get in deeper. As Adam did by talking about nakedness. Who told you that? God wants to know. (Gen.3:11) This is quite important. Losi...