Bible Reading for the Biblically Illiterate - And We're All Illiterate! (Part 5)
The Great Pattern The Old Testament Walter Brueggemann has noted a “lexicon” of verbs typically connected with YHWH’s actions of liberating grace: -Yahweh brings out -Yahweh delivers -Yahweh redeems -Yahweh brings up [1] The exodus from Egypt is the paradigm case of YHWH’s liberation. It’s a pattern deeply inscribed in the Bible. Its formative impact is seen in its rehearsal annually at the Passover festival. And they celebrated an event that did not merely happen “then and there” in its history. On the contrary, the community saw themselves within the Story and believed it happened to “us.” This was the formative story of their lives, not just those of their forebears. Listen carefully to the creed they used: “My father was wandering Aramean, and he went down into Egypt with a few people and lived there and became a great ...